Companion Special Orders

  • View our special order menu here!

  • Orders must be placed and confirmed a minimum of 72hrs (3 days) in advance of the pick-up or delivery date.  Please note: some larger orders may require more lead time than our minimum, so we encourage you to reach out sooner than later.

  • Prepayment is required, orders are only complete when they have been confirmed and paid for. 

  • Bread orders are only available Tuesday-Sunday, as our bread kitchen is closed for Monday bake. 
    Pastry and other items (not bread) are available 7 days per week.  

To place a special order, please click one of the links below to fill out an inquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Pick Up in Aptos - Pick Up on the Westside

At this time, we are not able to offer online ordering, except for holiday special items.

Special Order Minimum Amounts:

  • Special order for pastry is anything over ½ dozen pastries

  • Special order for bread is anything over 4 loaves of bread

If your order is under these quantities, all items are first-come-first-served at our shops between during our open hours:

Please understand that if you do not put in an advance order, we cannot always guarantee that the quantities/items you seek will be available for retail sale at the Bakeshop. As a small business, we must try to minimize waste while satisfying customer demand in the shop, so we appreciate advance orders rather than same-day purchases at the counter.

Please be aware retail operates on a first come first serve basis and we have purchase-quantity limits for walk in orders as follows: walk in quantities are limited to 6 of each kind of pastry or bread per customer.

We do not accept orders for pick up at Farmers Markets.